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Showing posts from February, 2022

Changes in jugular venous pulse in cardiac arrhythmia

  a wave and v wave roughly correspond to P wave and QRS complex in electrocardiogram respectively.  a wave falls on S1 and v falls on S2. Hence, in sinus rhythm a wave is preceded by v wave .  In 1st degree heart block, a wave (P) will occur much before S1 (onset of ventricular systole) and denotes a prolonged PR interval. And, with further prolongation, a wave may merge with previous  v wave .   In 2nd degree type 1 AV block, there will gradual prolongation of a-v interval in JVP ending with a wave which is not followed by v wave .  In 2:1 AV block, there will be two a waves for each v wave . Alternate a wave will coincide with ventricular systole resulting in regular cannon a waves .  In complete heart block, a-v interval is variable with a more than v waves along with irregular cannon a waves . Irregular cannon a waves will be seen whenever a wave coincides with ventricular systole because of AV dissociation in CHB.  Irregular cannon a waves may also be seen during

LDL estimation

Q. Which of the following formula is not used for estimation of LDL? A. Friedwald B. Sampson C. Martin/Hopkins D. Bazett Correct answer: D. Bazett Bazett's formula is used for estimation of corrected QT interval on ECG. Whereas, other three formulas Friedwald, Sampson and Martin/Hopkins are used for low density cholesterol (LDL) estimation in blood.