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Cardiology MCQ 79: Szabo technique

Q. Szabo technique is used for?
A. PCI of ostial lesions
B. PCI of SVG graft vessels
C. PCI of CTO lesions
D. PCI of distal left main stenosis

Answer: A. PCI of ostial lesions


Szabo technique- 
Correct stent placement is very important for ostial lesions for optimal coverage of lesion. 
Szabo technique first described in 2005, involves passage of two guidewires. First guidewire (primary) is placed in vessel to stented and 2nd guidewire (anchor) is placed in the lumen of side branch. 2nd guidewire is passed over most proximal strut of stent. Stent then travels over both guidewires, the movement of stent is stopped by anchor guidewire at the ostium of vessel to stented. Then the stent is deployed completely covering the ostial lesion.

Image result for szabo technique
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