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MCQ 41. Digoxin

Q.  A patient with atrial fibrillation was prescribed digoxin. What does it bind to in order to generate its mode of action?
A. Calcium channel
B. Potassium channel
C.  Na-Ca transporter
D. Na / K- ATPase 

Answer: D.  Na / K- ATPase 
Digoxin belongs to cardiac glycoside group of medications.
It is obtained from foxglove plant.
Half life is 36 hours.
Mechanism of action: Inhibition of Na/K ATPase and ultimately increased intracellular calcium.
Eliminated mainly by renal excretion through P-glycoproteins.
Narrow therapeutic index.
Can cause gynecomastia.
Effective plasma level between 0.5 to 1.0 ng/ml.


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