Q. Gorlin’s formula requires all of the following to calculate aortic valve area in aortic stenosis patient except?
a. Cardiac output
b. Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
c. Heart rate
d. Systolic ejection period
Answer: Option b
Gorlin's formula to calculate aortic valve area
Aortic valve area= CO / {SEP x HR x 44.3(MG)1/2}
CO= Cardiac output
SEP= Systolic ejection period
HR= Heart rate
MG= Mean pressure gradient
Simplified Hakki’s formula for calculation of aortic valve area
Aortic valve area= CO / (MG)1/2
CO= Cardiac output
MG= Mean pressure gradient
Note: Peak gradient can also be used in place of mean gradient in case of Hakki's equation.
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